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Movie Reviews, Uncategorized

Movie Monday | Jump Into a Sequel

I loved 21 Jump Street’s remake with Channing and Jonah. Loved it. I laughed, a ton. A ton. The plot was hilarious, the action was nice, the music was ballin’ and the humor was on point (am I supposed to say, On Fleek now?). So, naturally, 22 Jump Street was a must on my list.

Yes – it did come out like a million months ago, but as you readers know, the babe (the little one, not my hubby), has made theater going a thing of the past. So, we watched it on our fancy On Demand to the tune of pizza and beer on the couch. Glory.

I can sum up most of what I loved about it in this paragraph – They made a joke about Ice Cube in the first ten minutes. Rob Riggle made an appearance. Jillian Bell was in it (the “ugly” girl from Franklin & Bash). Peter Stormare (read: the token Russian) played her dad.  And we got to see Channing Tatum in (what I can only assume is) his natural form, second only to stripping on stage. He crushed beer cans and scores touchdowns. Touchdown, indeed.

The humor lags a bit in this one, a sort of forced laugh as is with most comedic sequels. But, I did chuckle (especially at the poetry slam) and I did appreciate the plot continuation, lackluster as it may have been. Kudos to a seemingly unending budget for the chopper scene and the hot cars. And, thanks to the writers for already nuking the idea of a three-quel with the spoiler posters with the end credits. I think one and down on seconds should be enough to keep us full, forever.

So, when to watch this? I’d stick it into your lineup on a weeknight with nothing else on, because it’s worth not making plans for, but not worth missing a weekend for. Make sense? Good. Enjoy.


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